Meditation and the Apple
There are many forms of mediation, and many reasons for meditating such as: such as a stress reliever, better health, and maybe finding an inner answer to a pondering question of yourself. The most commonly used meditation is the Transcendental meditation. Here is a quote of how it is done:
“The Transcendental Meditation technique allows your mind to settle inward beyond thought to experience the source of thought — pure awareness, also known as transcendental consciousness, or the unified field. This is the most silent and peaceful level of consciousness — your innermost Self. In this state of restful alertness, your brain functions with significantly greater coherence and your body gains deep rest.”
For further reading see the link below:
I hope you took a look at the link above, if you did not that is alright. It was just a brief summary on this mediation and its benefits.
Always do this meditation in a place quiet and peaceful, where positive energy flows. I advice not to do this meditation at your home. The best place you can do this meditation is somewhere in nature. Somewhere where you can find peace and not get distracted from outside noise. It has been said the best time to do this type of meditation is the hour before dawn. The reason why is that most people in your area are still asleep, there is less activity going on in the conscious realm that is shared by all, and when less activity is going on it is easier to get past the conscious and into your unconscious.
I suggest doing this meditation longer than the suggested fifteen to twenty minutes that the site states. Do this meditation closer to fifty minutes, if possible. Forty – fifty minutes. You will have a deeper experience that way, but its up to you and yourself. Do this meditation as long as you feel you should.
I know that many live in the city (as I do) and that to find somewhere surrounded by nature is difficult. It doesn’t necessarily have to be in nature, but somewhere where positive energy resides. Where you can be One with your surroundings. It also does not have to be done in the hour before dawn, but any time of the day that is convenient for you. Just make sure your head is clear when doing it, and that you are not too tired. I also advice to not smoke or take any other substances that can affect your thoughts. This is about knowing your inner self, and that means getting rid of addictions and your materialistic wants. This meditation will help you, if practiced regularly and consistently, with this.
Do not forget to try one of my tips in the previous post while doing meditation(s)!
The Apple and its symbolism:
“The apple is the symbol of the divine. Apple trees are symbolic of wisdom and guidance. Slice an apple in half horizontally, take a look, you will see a pentagram. The pentagram is a pagan symbol of power.
At some Samhain (sow-en) rituals the apple is sliced and the practitioners share both the apple as a symbol of life and the seed (which contain minute quantities of arsenic [an alchemy element I will post more about in a future post]) as a symbol of death.”
The quote listed above is the answer I got from online, on I agree with this. The apple has a history in many cultures for bringing power. It has positive energies and is a great protector. It is both a giver of life and death. It holds hidden knowledge…
“You are pure and delicate like the blossom flower, yet strong and complex. You will transform into the apple, which will fall to the ground and be consumed for nourishment. You will spread the seed of knowledge to all, where it will blossom to the flower and transform into the apple. It will grow and never end.” – Soul of an Apple.
I posted this with the meditation section because there is an apple meditation that was recommended to me from a friend. It is to help with past life regression, and of “Letting go” from the past. I have done this meditation and it helped broaden my mind tremendously.
Meditation was suggested by Eurydice. To contact her send her an email at:
Apple meditation:
Enter this meditation with clear thoughts. If you feel as if you should not do the mediation please do not.
NOTE: This meditation is to be done an hour before the sun sets, when sun is low. The sun will give you great energy. I advice, if you are up for this meditation, to do it before the transcendental meditation. It is slightly easier only because you can do it at your home, but it must be in a place that is quiet.
How to do the Apple meditation:
- Find the freshest apple you can find, preferably one just picked from the tree, but if that is not possible just find the freshest apple from the store.
- Ten minutes looking at the apple, clearing ones thoughts
- Ten minutes looking at the apples shapes, forms, features, ect…
- ten minutes looking at the apple while thinking about your life and similarities to the apple
- After meditation go for a thirty minute walk. During the walk take slow deep breathes (once you return from the walk it should be almost dark)
- Come home and drink a hot cup of tea (any type, only add lemon or honey if you want to add anything to it) then sit by a window and look out to the world. This means you are letting your soul out to the world.
- Do this meditation until apple begins to rot
This is an hour long meditation that consists of: thirty minutes of looking at the apple and then a thirty minute walk. Do not worry too much of time, though. Keep your concentration on the meditation and your goal: letting go.
If you begin to feel negative feelings while doing this mediation please stop immediately. Do not eat the apple either, at any time. Do this meditation consistently once begun.
A TIP: Keep track of the meditation through a journal with dates and times. Track your feelings, emotions, experiences, and dreams as you do this meditation (read my Tips Expanded). I advice not to voice out to many people of what comes to you in this meditation, not until you comprehend it yourself. Remember, it is to help find your inner self, to help get in touch with your Soul to better understand who you are. Follow your intuition, it’s a wonderful guide.
WARNING: The path of Spirituality is a hard and (sometimes) a lonely one to follow, but with patience and faith it can be conquered and will help you understand who you are as a person and why you were brought to this world.
A TIP (Added 4/3/12)
A TIP (Added 4/3/12)
This meditation helps you conquer
your fears, but that means facing them and reliving what you have repressed. It
will bring emotions out of you that you may not be ready to handle fully, so be
cautious when doing it if you do choose to do it. Be consistent with it too,
you can not miss more than a day or two when doing the meditation. The longer
you do it, and the more consistent you are, the clearer the images will come
and the deeper you will go.
There is more to this
meditation then even I know. I am learning it still, I am a student still. I am
sharing what I know with you.
If you decide to do this
meditation and complete it, and feel ok about it, you can do it again one year
later. It will not be the same as your first meditation will be. Be patient
with all that you do, do not rush anything, things will fall into place as it
Only people with an open and
strong mind can do this meditation… You’ll know what I mean by this if/when you
decide to do the meditation.
NOTE: Different apples have
different personalities. The best type of apple to meditate to is the red
apples (they are calmer), but any apple will do.
The apple meditation helped me understand the inner images I see and speak to. I will post a little about them in the future.
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