Fiction Works
- The Magus by: John Fowles
- Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah by:
Richard Bach
- Memnoch the Devil by: Anne Rice
Philosophical Works
- By Emmanuel Kant:
- Thoughts on the True
Estimation of Vital Forces
- A New Explanation of the First Principles of Metaphysical
- Universal Natural History and Theory of Heaven
- Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime
- Inquiry Concerning the Distinctness of the Principles of Natural
Theology and Morality
- Dreams of a Spirit Seer (On Emmanuel Swedenborg)
- On the Different Races of Man
- First edition of the Critique of Pure Reason
- "Prolegomena to any Future Metaphysics"
- "An Answer to the Question: What Is Enlightenment?"
- "Idea for a Universal History with a Cosmopolitan
- Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science
- Conjectural Beginning of Human History
- Second edition of the Critique of Pure Reason
- Critique of Practical Reason
- Critique of Judgment
- The Science of Right
- Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone
- Perpetual Peace
- Metaphysics of Morals
- Logic (Logik)
Anything from the ancient philosophers such as: Socrates,
Plato, Aristotle and just about any Philosophical work you find is probably
worth a read. It is whatever you are interested in. I mention Emmanuel kant
here because he did great work on the Metaphysics of Morals and Pure Reason.
Psychology Works:
- The Denial of Death by: Ernest Becker
- By Carl Jung:
- Psychology of the Unconscious (a revised version
written by Jung is titled: Symbols of Transformation)
- The Psychology of the Transference
- The Archetypes and the Collected Unconscious
- Psychology and
- Psychology and
Religion: West and East
- Man and His Symbols
- The Undiscovered
- On the Nature of the
- Psychology and the
- Psyche and Symbol
- Psychological Types
And any other works you find that has been written by Carl
Jung is worth a read
Any works written by Sigmund
Freud, Soren Kierkegaard, and Otto Rank are worth a read as well, but really it
is up to you what you want to read when it comes to this broad subject, these
are just my suggestions.
Mystic Works
- Teachings of Don Juan series by: Carlos Castaneda
- A Yaqui Way of Knowledge
- A Separate reality
- Journey to Ixtlan
- Tales of Power
- The Second Ring of
- The Eagle's Gift
- The Fire From Within
- The Power of Silence
- The Art of Dreaming
Other works by Carlos Castaneda Include:
- Magical Passes
- The Active Side of
- The Wheel of Time
this section I would be very selective of which books to read, because many may
not contain the information you seek. But as always, just go with your heart
when deciding.
Books on and/or based off a Religious Concept:
- By: Emmanuel
- Heaven and Hell
- True Christianity part I & II
work from Emmanuel Swedenborg is worth a read
- Basics of Eastern Religions
- The Bible
- The Dead Sea Scrolls
(more could be added to this
section. I put these here because knowing the different religions around the
world; you can see the connections in them. You may begin to see that they are
not so different after all.)
Books Related to death
- Egyptian Book of the Dead (could be found online)
- Life after Life By: Dr. Raymond Moody
- By: Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross book
- On Death and Dying
- On Life After Death
any works written by her, she did a lot of work with grief and the dying
This list is just some ideas
of what type of readings to look out for. Anything related to these subjects is
good to read, but use your intuition. As much as there is good, there is also
those books that are not so good to read. Just listen to your heart when
searching for something to read to help on your spiritual path.
Many poetic works are good to
read as well, poetry is good for the soul. Any form of art including music –
all forms of it. Same goes for mythology, any mythology book is worth a read in
my opinion as well.
this list helped you some.
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